Tired of Frizzy Hair? Get Rid of Frizz!

Want smooth, shiny hair without frizz?  Who doesn’t!  But that can be a lot of work maneuvering your blow dryer to all the right angles.  The T-360 nozzle attachment makes it easy.  Use it along with the following tips for results that bring in compliments from men and women alike.

But first, just what is frizz?  With smooth hair, the cuticle (the outer protective layer) lays like roofing shingles protecting each strand.  But improper blow drying and harsh hair care products lift those shingles a bit, creating openings that let vital moisture and oils out.  That also lets excess humidity in, and that makes each hair swell.  Ironically, either way, your hair appears dry and frizzy, not silky and smooth.  And as we all know curly hair is more prone to frizzing than straight, so it needs extra care and attention.

And what’s a T-360?  Invented by a professional hair stylist and made by SmoothAir it’s an adjustable nozzle that fits on just about any standard blow dryer you might have.  It’s unique patented design lets you quickly rotate the nozzle around in a complete circle and adjust the tilt at the same time.  And that makes it easy to always direct the air flow at the best angle without any stress or strain.

The Top 10 Tips for No-Frizz Hair

  1. Always use a hydrating shampoo that also restores natural oils.
  2. Deep condition your hair.  That helps keep the frizzies away and holds your style longer.
  3. Use a microfiber towel rather than an ordinary bath towel.  They disturb the cuticle layer less.
  4. Use oil treatments more frequently.
  5. Use only alcohol-free styling products.
  6. Coat your fingers with oil or generously apply mousse before fluffing and situating curls into styles.
  7. If you diffuse, use a ceramic ionic blow dryer.  They compress the cuticle for the best protection.
  8. Keep the T-360 nozzle adjusted so that the air flow goes with rather than against the hair cuticle.  That is, always facing away from your head.
  9. Do you have extra-thick or extra-curly hair?  Blow dry each section from both the top and bottom.  That’s one quick T-360 adjustment rather than twisting your arm around or changing hands.
  10. Use heat protecting leave-in, even if you don’t use heat to style.  It creates a barrier between your hair and humidity.  If you experience buildup, use a clarifying shampoo or an apple cider vinegar rinse.

After a few stylings, all this becomes second nature.  And if you’re like most people you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much smoother your hair becomes.